Pasco Capstone Download


  • PASCO Capstone Advanced Features A Strip chart mode A Start and stop conditions on time and sensor measurements A FFT and oscilloscope A Histogram A Manual data collection: Keep sensor data points with click of button. A Analyze video and display velocity and acceleration vectors on the video. A Sync movies with sensor data. A Exclude or delete selected data points from analysis.
  • PASCO Capstone is the next leap forward in software for data acquisition, display and analysis and destined to be the new standard in advanced physics and engineering labs. Not an upgrade on existing software, PASCO Capstone was built from the ground up to.
  • PASCO Capstone v2.2. PASCO Capstone™ was designed to be the most powerful software available for high level physics and engineering applications or for anyone who.
  • Note: Development for DataStudio ceased in 2011 and DataStudio is now considered obsolete. Please consider one of our newer data acquisition and analysis software applications: our easy-to-use tablet-friendly SPARKvue or our feature-rich, desktop-friendly PASCO Capstone.

The basic steps are the same for Capstone 1.x but you cannot select your desired data: all data runs will be exported. See our PASCO How Do I? Video Export Data (Capstone) to see the steps for Capstone 1.x. PASCO Solution for SPARKvue (Windows/Mac) Select the 'hamburger' menu in.


Install PASCO Capstone license key with a command line switch (Windows)

Instructions for a network/silent administrator installation of PASCO Capstone software on Windows

Pasco Spectrometer Software

This tech note was designed for network administrators who wish to automate the installation of PASCO Capstone. Our software installers are created with Installshield. Installshield wraps the Windows msi in an executable that passes parameters to the msi.

Both the InstallShield installer and the packaged msi can be controlled via command line switches.
Third-party software deployment tools are not supported (ex: PDQ, Kubernetes, Ansible, Serializer etc)

Please note: You must have a valid Capstone Site License to install with command line switches

Silent Installation By Directly Passing Parameters to the MSI

  1. Copy the latest version of the software executable installer to a simple path on your computer with at least 200 MB of free storage, such as 'C:'.

  2. If the installer has any spaces in the name, rename the file to a simple name with no spaces, such as 'Setup.exe'.

  3. Go to the Windows start menu.

  4. Type 'cmd'. (This selects the command prompt.)

  5. Hold down the CTRL and SHIFT buttons simultaneously and press ENTER. (This gets one into administrator mode of the command prompt to avoid prompts for administrative priviledge.)

  6. Type c:Setup.exe /s /v'/qn' ( The /s switch tells the InstallShield installer to run silently, the /v passes the parameter that follows immediately after in quotes to the msi installer. And /qn tells the msi to run with no UI. c: is the location that was specfied location of the installer.

  7. To install the license key (requires Capstone version 1.13 or higher)

A. You can install the Capstone license key silently along with the software with a command line switch:

PASCO_Capstone-x.y.z.w.exe /s /v'/qn LICENCEKEY=MY_KEY'


Pasco Capstone Download

Where the “My_Key” text is replaced by your Capstone license key.

B. To install the license key AND disable the prompts for software updates:


Where the “My_Key” text is replaced by your Capstone license key.

Use the following instructions if extracting an MSI is required:

Generate an MSI from the Setup File

  1. Copy the latest version of the software installer to a simple path on your computer with at least 200 MB of free storage, such as 'C:'. (Contact Teacher Support if you need an updated installer.)

  2. If the installer has an spaces in the name, rename the file to a simple name with no spaces, such as 'Setup.exe'.

  3. Click the Windows Start button.

  4. In the text box, type 'c:Setup.exe /a'.

  5. When prompted, select the local or network location for the msi to be extracted.

  6. Click Finish.

Run the extracted MSI Unattended

  1. Go to the Windows start menu.

  2. Type 'cmd'. (This selects the command prompt.)

  3. Hold down the CTRL and SHIFT buttons simultaneously and press ENTER. (This gets one into administrator mode of the command prompt to avoid prompts for administrative priviledge.)

  4. Run the installer.

    • Capstone: Type 'c:Capstone.msi /qn'.

PASCO does not support Administrator/Silent installation of SPARKvue, MatchGraph! or Spectrometry software at this time. PASCO does not support the use of third-party tools to deploy our software and cannot assist with installations using third-party deployment tools.

My ScienceWorkshop 500 or 750 interface won't connect to Capstone

I am using the CI-6759A USB/Serial Adapter with a 500 interface or 750 interface and Capstone will not connect to it

Related Products:

  • ScienceWorkshop 500 Interface

  • ScienceWorkshop 750 Interface*
  • CI-6759A USB/Serial Converter
  • Capstone Software

*This article only applies to 750 interfaces connecting through the CI-6759A USB/Serial Converter. If your 750 interface has a USB symbol on the front this article does not apply.

Pasco Software Download

Pasco Capstone Download

Compatibility Details:

  • The CI-6759 (non-A) model is not compatible with Capstone software. You must replace with the CI-6759A updated model.
  • CI-6759A is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 10, and Mac OS 10.10 or higher

PASCO Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Install the latest version of PASCO Capstone
  2. Turn on the ScienceWorkshop interface.
  3. Connect the CI-6759A adapter to a USB port and wait for Windows to detect device and install drivers.
  4. Run Capstone
  5. Click the Hardware Setup button in on the left tool palette
  6. Click Choose Interface.
  7. Select the type of ScienceWorkshop interface that you have connected to the USB-to-serial adapter.
  8. Click OK.
  9. An image of the interface should appear in the Hardware Setup window with a small green circle to the upper left corner
  10. If you see a yellow exclamation point symbol,:
  • Unplug and replug the CI-6759A USB-to-serial adapter from the USB port.
  • If your computer has both USB2 and USB3 ports, connect to a USB2 port. Occasionally USB3 ports are not compatible with the CI-6759A adapter.
  • Toggle power on the ScienceWorkshop interface.
  • Reboot the computer

If the above steps do not resolve the problem, delete the PASCO USB/serial interface from the Device Manager and reboot the computer:

  1. Right click on My Computer.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select the Hardware tab.
  4. Click the Device Manager button.
  5. Expand the Pasco Interface Class category.
  6. Click on PASCO USB/Serial Converter.
  7. Press the Delete button.
  8. A 'confirm device uninstall' window will appear. Click 'OK'. Do not select the checkbox 'Delete the driver software for this device'
  9. Disconnect the CI-6759A and reboot the computer when prompted.
  10. When the computer is ready, connect the CI-6759A and wait for Windows to recognize the device and install drivers.