Applejack Mac Cleaner


Jul 29th, 2020

CCleaner for Mac! Clean up your Mac and keep your browsing behaviour private with CCleaner, the world's favourite computer cleaning tool. Done with disk repairs -0- AppleJack will repair permissions in 10 seconds. Permissions repair - All supporting services appear to be loaded. Permissions have been repaired.0- AppleJack will cleanup cache files in 10 seconds. Cache file cleanup Let's mount the startup file system for write access. Checking for /tmp directory.

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Applejack mac cleanerApplejack app
  1. Sunset drove along the rows of mature apple trees, the sound of the engine splitting the serene silence of the orchard until she came across a dirt driveway with a mail box perched on the end. The large sign over it spelt out ‘Sweet Apple Acres' in beautiful calligraphy.
  2. The driveway was long, taking Sunset few minutes before she got to a modest sized farm house with a crimson coat of paint and a violet roof.
  3. Sunset turned off the Bike, took off her helmet and took a deep breath through her nose. The smell of dry ground, fresh apples and, her favourite hay. Ehhh, she missed hay boiled in deep oil. Next time visiting Equestria, she's gonna eat buckets hay fries. Human mouth or digestive system don't like that delicious thing. Sunset chuckled. Fact she had discovered the hard way, in her first days on Earth.
  4. The house door opened and brown bullet sprangg out, barking and yapping all the way to Sunset.
  5. 'Hey, Winona.' Sunset greeted the Apple Family's dog as it was sniffing around her front tire. At the sound her name, Winona rose her head, tail wagging.
  6. 'Bark.'
  7. 'Aww, happy to see you, too.' Sunset said and the dog sniffed at Sunset’s leg, then at Sunset’s offered hand before licking it as well.
  8. Sunset looked at the house, again, now seeing the strong build frame of the oldest Apple child. Big Macintosh stood on the porch, his broad hands resting on the railing.
  9. 'Morning, Big Mac.' Sunset shouted walking up to him.
  10. 'Morning, Sunset.' He said plainly. His face was handsome as always but at that moment it was also red, like he had just finished a monumental effort, which surprised Sunset. Big Mac didn't get tired. He just didn't
  11. 'You, OK there, big guy?' Sunset asked. 'You look like you've just picked the whole orchard by yourself.' She stated then thought for a second.' You didn't do that, right?' With Apple Family Work Ethics, they might actually do. AJ can be stubborn, and she had tendency to work herself to death.
  12. Big Mac shook his head. 'Nah, it's not it.' He cleared his throat and continued.' Applejack's called you.'
  13. 'Yeah, she said that some kind of contraption appeared in your barn.' Somehow Big Mac's cheeks grew even darker.' It's a mirror, isn't it?'
  14. He nodded.
  15. 'And you were with Applejack when you found it.' It was a statement than a question. The blond man didn't answer just looked away.
  16. Ohh. If he and his SISTER stood together in front of the mirror and if this mirror worked the same way then... no wonder he was so uneasy. Still, Sunset wondered what exactly they'd seen. She'd never asked Celestia and Luna. Maybe it was better not to ask or maybe she should? Anyway, it was still nagging her in the back of her head.
  17. 'Where is she?'
  18. 'In the barn. She's been there since this morning.'
  19. The pony girl looked at the barn and started to walk towards it.
  20. 'I'll see what I can do.'
  21. 'Thanks.' The man said.
  22. ******
  23. Sunset stood in front of the barn. With both hands she pushed the massive door only to meet a resistance. She pushed harder, her arms muscles bulged, but to no avail. The effort only made a sweet start to run down her fore head. The day was getting hotter.
  24. She wiped it with her sleeve and banged her fist against the wooden door. A second later a voice with heavy vernacular asked.
  25. 'Who's out 're? If it's you AppleBloom the answer is still 'no'.' AJ shouted, her voice angry and commanding.
  26. 'Applejack. It's me Sunset. Open up.'
  27. 'Sunset?! Thanks heavens you're here.' Sunset heard something heavy scratched against the wood, then hitting the floor. The door cracked open, but only slightly, just so AJ green eyes could peek outside.
  28. 'You're alone?' The farm girl asked in hushed voice.
  29. 'Yes, I am. You don't have to act like we were about to hide a corpse, AJ.' Sunset reassured. Her friend's behavior baffled her. She expected some nervousness from her friends but not this much from Applejack. Fluttershy and Twilight sure but not the apple girl. She always kept her head on her shoulders with metal screws. Though, considering her brother was there when found it...
  30. 'Trust me, sugarcube I have to.' She said opening the door wider. 'Come in, quickly.'
  31. Sunset took a step forward only to stop in mid-step, when something red rushed past her.
  32. 'Dagnabbit!' AJ shouted grabbing the red thing when it tried to get past her. It was AppleBloom currently wriggling in her sister's ‘merciless’ hold.
  33. 'Apple Bloom!!' AJ shouted her voice going frantic.' I've told you to stay away!'
  34. 'Ohhh, come on, AJ.' She stopped struggling and started to plead.' I want to what's the fuss all about. You never take me on any of your magical adventures.'
  35. 'There's no adventures and there's no magic 'ere. You 'ear me?'
  36. 'Yeah.' AB looked into her sister's eyes as much she could with her body kept in place. 'Then what Sunset's doing 'ere?'
  37. 'Can't a friend just want to see a friend?' Said hoping that this little half-lie will satisfy her sister's curiosity.
  38. She was wrong.
  39. 'You and Big Mac had run out the barn this morning like a swarm of locust was about eat every tree.' Applebloom insisted.' Big Mac looked all distressed and won't look me in the eyes and you yelled about another magic mishap, and locked yourself inside the barn.' She counted, keeping her voice somewhere between hurt and insulted. However, her last sentence was equally smug and calm.' Still want to tell me there's no adventure or magic.'
  40. 'Yes.' The farm girl's eyes started to dart from right to left.' None of that. Just... ehhh... RATS!!'
  41. 'Rats?'
  42. 'Yes, that's right. Rats.' Aj said but her voice was lacking in confidence. 'Rats in the barn. Dang little vermins. Noticed one and uhhh called Sunset to, you know help me get rid of 'em.'
  43. Apllebloom arched an eyebrow in the same way Applejack did when she wanted to let you know she was't buying any of that.
  44. 'Wouldn't then asking Fluttershy for help make much more sense?'
  45. The country girl started to sweat, her eyes 20 miles per hour. She wasn't much of a liar. It was for Sunset to deal with this.
  46. 'AppleBloom 'Sunset spoke up, taking the heat off of AJ.' I can't speak up for your sister and I'm not sure what's the exact problem.' She said leaving thing as vague as she could. If Apple siblings didn't want to include their little sister, then she wasn't either.' But I'm sure, if doesn't want you inside then she must have a good reason. But tell you what, I'll go, see what it is and if it's nothing harmful we will consider letting you in. Deal?'
  47. 'But, it's also my bar-'
  48. 'It's a deal.' AJ cut in, shooting Sunset a look. The pony girl wasn't sure if it was thankful or angry kind.' Take it or leave it.'
  49. AB pressed her lips into a thin like. She eyed the ground until she said.' Fine.' Her sister released from her grip. She stumbled forward then turned around.' But don't take to long.' She huffed then stomped towards the house.
  50. Sunset watched the young girl leaving until she heard a sigh.
  51. 'Thanks for help, Sugarcube. Shouldn't even try lying, the girl's too smart for that.'
  52. 'No offense AJ but it's more because of you being terrible lier.'
  53. The blond smiled weakly, gesturing for Sunset to come in.' True. Now come in. Help me with this... devil's contraption.'
  54. *****
  55. Inside the barn was dimly-lit, (uggy, the floor was covered in hay and dirt so thick it looked like there was no wooden floor at all. Sunset would think that too if not the times when they had a Party in Western style. Then it was clean, even for Rarity's standards. And there was that ever lasting stench, characteristic for every farm. Sunset didn't mind, she actually proffered it to some perfumes Rarity used. Celestia forbids she had thought that.
  56. Applejack led her to one the pens, the one where they kept horses with high walls. Sunset remembered the first when she saw Human World horse. It was... interesting experience.
  57. Anyway the Mirror was placed inside, just the like theones in Principals' house it reached from the floor to the ceiling.
  58. 'There it is, Sunset.' AJ said pointing at the mirror with her arm.' Please tell me you can get this cursed thing out mah farm.'
  59. 'First thing, tell me what do you know.' The pony girl already knew about Mirrors, but she made a promise not to tell anyone. And maybe AJ knew something. Worth a try.
  60. 'Well, me and my brother woke in this morning before the Sun rose up, like we always do. We let AppleBloom sleep a little longer. She was studying last, last night. We went to do our morning chore. Nothing unusual. Count chickens, milk the cows. But, when we were getting ready to pick apples, then when noticed that mirror.' The cow girl said sheepishly averting her eyes, her cheeks getting red.
  61. 'I assume this in new.'
  62. 'You know full well this is new!!!' AJ shouted suddenly making Sunset take a step back. She starred at her for a second then she remembered herself.' Sorry, Sunset. Ahh'm just shocked a little bit. It's just showed me... things.' She run her hand through her hair until she touched her hat.
  63. 'It's fine.' Sunset said.' But if you could...?
  64. 'Hmmm?'
  65. 'What did you see?'
  66. AJ pushed her hat against her head, like it was the only thing keeping her together.' Ah'm not sure I can talk about it. Is it really necessary?'
  67. 'Not sure.' Sunset admitted.' But you never know which information might be useful.'
  68. The cow girl closed her eyes and sighted.' Only cuss you're my friend.' She rubbed her forehead and begun her story.' This... Mirror showed me and Big Mac... together.' A large gulp sounded from her throat.' But we were all wrong. We were buff and muscle packed. Not like normally. More like body builders that Dash likes to drool over. We were laying in hay, all naked sans mah hat. Big Mac, he... was holding me on top of him, by mah legs with his hands. Sticking his di-dick in my- you know...' She hid her face, like she was trying to hide from the world.
  69. 'Applejack-
  70. 'And the worst part!' AJ cut in.' I was actually enjoying it. I was enjoying having mah brother's manhood inside. Happier than a young rooster in new chicken coop. My face was in such bliss that mah eyes rolled so much Ahh could see colors. That huge thing pumpin in and out. Can... can you believe it?' AJ laughed but there was no joy in that laughter. She back stepped until her foot touched a haysquare and heavily sat on it hiding her face in her hands.
  71. The barn was quiet. Too quiet for anyone's liking. Sunset walked closer to her friend, with plan to a hand on her shoulder and say something comforting but before she could do any of that Applejack spoke up, her voice quiet and calm.
  72. 'You probably want to see it, don't you?'
  73. Sunset bit her lips.' Well, you don't want to...'
  74. AJ raised to her feet.' Let's get over this.'
  75. She stood before the mirror, yet she didn't look at it. She covered her face with her stetson.
  76. AJ was right. Mirror Applejack was buffed. The arms looked like they were sculptured in wood in the image Greek sculptures. Her belly was in similar state, though half of it was hidden under mountain of soft flesh, the visible part, looking so hard one wanted to touch and feel it. Assuming they wouldn't go for those soft child-bearing hips and ass.
  77. Where the Real Applejack wore a green and white T-shirt, the Mirror one used her as a substitute for a bra; tied in front and instead denim skirt she wore something what would be best described a loincloth. Judging From the size of her giant breasts (though still smaller than Celestia's) and girth of her hips and ass, finding anything her size bordered on the impossible. She had that 'Farmer Daughter' look that was slightly ruined by her high heels and circle earring. Her geode and stetson remained the same.
  78. Her face was smiling brightly, making the barn less dark. The face like most of her skin was peppered with freckles. Sunset couldn't tell if she had lipstick or it was natural color, matching the color of her braided hair.
  79. Sunset stood next to RealApplejack, a hand resting on her chin, wondering how the mirror worked. And how was the... look being determinated. Was it the same situation like with the portal? And why MirrorAJ wasn't covering her face, but looking down at the original.
  80. But the most nagging question- what would happen if Sunset stood in front of it with AJ. She knew what would happen but what would it show exactly?
  81. Well, Sunset was a girl that used a hand-on approach, so there's only one way to find out. She felt a little bad using the fact that AJ wasn't looking, yet if it's just a quick peek it should be fine.
  82. The image rippled and changed. They were still in the barn, laying on the hay, Sunset's arms stretched above her head while Applejack remained on top. The two were kissing, their lips played with each other while their tongues battled for dominance. They both smiled into the kiss. Applejack's hand toyed with the Bacon-haired girl's breast, her calloused fingers sinking into the soft flesh.
  83. Sunset recuperated the effort, her hands now slowly moving down to grab AJ's fat cheeks. The farm girl in response, gripped the chunky nipple and pulled it on the side. It was probably only her imagination but RSunset could swearer she'd heard a moan. MSunset wasn't about let this action slide. She rose her right-hand high above only fall down with great speed and smack it. MApplejack flinched-
  84. 'Is that enough.' Applejack said out loud.
  85. The image disappeared when RSunset stepped to the right, just outside the reflection radius. The Mirror rippled now showing only Bimbo Applejack.
  86. ******
  87. 'You've got something out that?' Applejack asked before taking a sip of an apple cider. Sunset was sitting next to her on haystack, a bottle of cider in her hand.
  88. 'No, not really. I don't know what is it or why it does what it does.' Sunset admitted before taking a sip.
  89. 'Another wild magic running amok?' AJ suggested.
  90. 'Hmmm, maybe. We gonna need more info before we do something.'
  91. AJ looked at Sunset, her eyes wide.' You gonna leave it like this?!'
  92. 'For now.'
  93. 'Yo-you can't do that! We have to do something.'
  94. 'Not much I can do right now.' More like she had no idea what to do.' So far, it looks like it's just a mirror that shows a fetish version of the reflected person. It's not hurting anyone.' Physically at least.
  95. 'Not hur- lookie here! Ahh have to get rid of this thing. The barn is where we keep our tools, Sunset! Don't cha get it?'
  96. ' I get it. Just don't look in or at the mirror and everything should be fine.'
  97. The farm girl sprung to her feet, and leaned forward Sunset, her powerful frame toweing over the pony girl.' Fine? Fine? What if something bad WILL happen. What if we gonna have an 'Invasion of body snatchers'. What if Applebloom wanders in, and she will because she works on this farm, and sees herself as some harlot? Ah have to protect my sister's innocence, dammit.'
  98. Innocence. Right. Sunset doubted that this would destroy it. AB lived her whole life on the farm. It would have been concerning if she didn't know where babies come from.
  99. 'I get it. You're worried about your family. But it's better to play it safe for now. If we do something drastic it may get worse.' Sunset reasoned. When dealing with wild magic caution was your best friend.' Just lock the pen and throw as much hay squares as you can. That should keep anything inside. Does it help?'
  100. Applejack starred at her, her lips pressed into thin line. Sunset expected more arguing, but she the only thing she'd got was:
  101. 'You sure we can't break it with a hammer?'
  102. Sunset chuckled at the choice of words.' Ohhh, yeah. Ask me to break things with a hammer.'
  103. That squeezed a laugh out of the country girl. 'Right, no offense.'
  104. 'None taken.'
  105. ******
  106. After filling and locking the pen -easy feat for girl with super strength- Sunset went for her bike, AJ keeping her company. As she was about to put her helmet on AJ made a hearty laugh.
  107. 'You seemed in better mood.' Sunset commented.
  108. 'A little bit.' The blonde run a hand through her head and fixed her hat.' Yeah, just thought. Granny might actually like the Mirror Me.'
  109. Sunset tilted her head.' What do you mean by that?'
  110. 'Those hips, Sunset. 'She said and run her hands down her hips for extra emphasis.' They would easily deliver healthy triplets, with room for more.'
  111. 'Ahh, Granny wants great-grand kids.'
  112. 'You have no idea, Sunset. She plans to live long enough to see AppleBloom getting married and giving birth to bunch of kids. She would be happy to see me with hips this wide and those huge udders. I could feed the whole village with those.' Her hands trailed to her ample bust.' Those are not bad, but you know.'
  113. 'I'm sure you gonna have lots of kids one day.'
  114. The cow girl stifled another laugh.' You should hear lecturing Big Mac for not getting a girlfriend, yet. She does it sometimes to me, too. Ehhh. I love that old woman with all mah heart, but she can be so stubborn sometimes.'
  115. 'Must be a family thing.' Sunset murmured and put the helmet on.
  116. 'What was that?' AJ asked but was it was drowned out by the motor engine.
  117. Sunset drove off, wondering who should she go visit next.

Applejack Mac Os

Applejack Mac Cleaner

Applejack mac cleaner app

Applejack Mac Cleaner App

AppleJack, troubleshooting software for Mac OS X; Wellesley Applejacks, a Canadian Junior ice hockey team in Wellesley, Ontario, Canada; This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Applejack. Applejack and DiskWarrior were my go to utilities, I even skipped 10.7 just so I wouldn’t lose the use of Applejack. Now many people are saying that it still works through 10.10 but I have to wonder if it is completely safe and here is why: I remember with each new upgrade (vs update) version of OS X would be followed by an update to Applejack. From the AppleJack main menu, you can repair disks, repair permissions, clean up cache files, validate preference files, and remove swap files. Oftentimes, one or more of these operations can fix.